Teledyne SP Devices ADQ8-8C Multi Channel High Performance 10-Bit Digitizer

The Teledyne SP-Devices ADQ8-8C is intended for large scale integration offering High Channel Density and Multi Channel Synchronisation capabilities. With compact modular form factors, 8 channels per board, and high-precision multi-board synchronization capabilities, ADQ8-8C is ideal for massive multi-channel implementations.

The on-board Xilinx FPGA is open to the user and allows for customized real-time digital signal processing. Digitized data can be transferred to the host PC at rates of 2.6 Gbyte/s. A software development kit (SDK) is included and contains application programming interfaces (APIs) and drivers for C/C++, Python, and more. It also includes Digitizer Studio – a versatile and easy-to-use tool that offers powerful configuration, control, measurement/math, and display capabilities. Most software components are supported both under Windows and Linux.

Key Features:

  • 500MHz Bandwidth
  • Sampling Rate: 1 GSPS per channel
  • 10 Bit Resolution
  • 8 Channel
  • PXIe with 3.2 / 2.6 GByte/s Transfer rate
  • MTCA.4 with 3.2 / 2.6 GByte/s Transfer Rate
  • Drivers for C/C++ and more
  • Digitiser Studio Stand Alone Software