Amplifier Research EMC Test Systems

Amplifier Research can deliver a solution that integrates all your testing needs: radiated and conducted immunity,radiated and conducted emissions, electrostatic discharge, lightning simulation…whatever you need. We have the expertise and experience to supply fully automated systems needed to test various standards including IEC 61000, MIL-STD 461 and 464, DO-160, wireless, automotive, HIRF and HERO. Fully Integrated Test Systems For any application from DC to 50 GHz. Whether you choose one of our standard test systems or have AR build a system to your specs – you’ll be amazed at how easy, accurate, efficient, and affordable testing can be. Everything you need is right at your fingertips. It all works together perfectly, because everything has been carefully selected and assembled by AR engineers, using the most dependable and most innovative equipment on the market today.
